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amazing puzzles! i love the original idea of switching things on and off to progress


nice game, love the pixel old fashion style, the limited movements makes you choose carefully your next move...should be good if the drill machine change the position of the tip towards the direction the car ins moving... nice puzzle

Thanks for playing! The fact that the drill does not change direction was intencional, the point is that you can only kill enemies if you are comming from the right, but you are not the first the point that out, so maybe this mechanic was confusing and not well designed. Anyways, i'm glad you had a good time, thanks for the feedback!

muito foda

Valeu, que bom que curtiu :)

Muito bom mesmo! Parabéns.

Muito obrigado, fico feliz que tenha gostado :D

Great game. Love puzzle games. =) 

(1 edit)

Hey im glad you had a good time! It was awesome to watch you play! Just subscribed to your channel, great content!

gostei, só senti falta de um som de motor


Eu queria muito ter colocado, mas não consegui um som que ficasse bom, pra falar a verdade um dos maiores problemas do jogo é o som, os sfx tão muito altos. De qualquer jeito fico feliz que tenha gostado, obrigado pelo feedback!


Bom de mais, a ideia foi bem executada, ta tudo fluindo muito bem e os leveis foram muito bem pensados =)


Muito obrigado, fico feliz que tenha gostado, obrigado pelo feedback!

Nice puzzle game!
The whole idea of creating an infinite level that repeats itself is quite creative! I loved the main character and the music! Congrats, keep up the great work.

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Thanks for playing, glad you had a good time :)